It seems our society is fixated on change. Campaigns are built on change- marketing on the grass is greener approach. We see this in all aspects. If something isn't working, we need a complete change, the message goes.
Sometimes though, I think we just need to persevere in certain things. So, for the most part those are what I'm going to focus on this year. Pushing through.
1. Decluttering. I have a really hard time throwing things out that might have a use later on. This is my biggest focus, material wise, for the year, and goes right along with keeping our house cleaner. This also includes actually putting away at least one load of laundry per day.
2. Dedicated daily prayer times. This one has been such an off again, on again thing for me since becoming a mama. I have times I pray with Patrick, and we have times we pray as a family, but my own personal prayer time seems to just float in wherever I can fit it... when I think to do that. So, I'm going to set aside 4 specific times a day for some prayer and bible reading. Daily readings while I am getting ready, morning prayer while Patrick plays before lunch, afternoon prayer (divine mercy chaplet and decade of rosary) before making dinner and evening spirtual reading before bed.
3. Reading. My goal is to read 50 books this year. And keep track of them! I read 20 to 30 last year, but I couldn't name them.
4. Cut back on unnecessary and selfish spending. Especially online. It's so easy to one click order on Amazon. I'm going to make myself wait a day before ordering anything that isn't a necessity on Amazon.
5. Make sure Patrick and I get outside for 15 or more minutes everyday (assuming it is safe to do so!). He loves being outside... and nature provides so much rejuvenation for our spirits!
6. Drink at least 4 mugs of water a day. I rarely feel thirsty and have to remind myself to drink. I'm trying it to my prayer times to make sure it happens.
7. Learn to knit!
I don't want to be a new me. But I do want to be a better me- one who better lives my vocation and roots her day and life in God.
Hopefully I can look back on these at the end of the year (or sooner!) and see growth.